Difference Between JDK,JRE,JVM

Types of Java Software: Java Software is divided into 2 types

  1. JDK– Java Development kit

2. JRE-Java Runtime Environment

Difference between JDK,JRE,JVM:

JVM is a subset of JRE,and JRE is a subset of JDK .when we install JDK,JRE is also installed automatically. JRE software is available as a separate pack,so we can install JRE alone.

JDK has both complier and JVM. so using JDK we can develop,complie and execute new Java applications and also we can modify,compile and execute already developed applications.

JRE has only JVM. so using JRE we can only execute already developed applications.

Environments existed in real time projects:

1.Development Environment->Here Developers will work to develop new programs. Hence we should install JDK

2.Testing environment->Here testers will work to test the project,means they just execute the project. Hence JRE installation is enough.

3.production environment->Here end users will work to use the project,means they just execute the project to complete their transactions. Hence JRE installation is enough.

Java versions:

A version is a number that is used to identify the current features and enhancements developed in that software’s current release. Every software is developed with versions.

project: It is a software that is developed specific to 1 customer.

Product: it is a software developed common for all companies.

Java Software Versions:

Java 1.0                                                        java 5                        java 11

java 1.1                                                        java 6                         java 12

java 2 platform                                           java 7                         java 13

          1.2                                                      java 8                         java 14

          1.3                                                      java  9

          1.4                                                      java 10

major version: It is the main version of software contains new features & enhancements of current release

Minor  versions: It is subversion of major version contains bug fixes.

ex:jdk1.7.0——————————->major version

     jdk1.7.0_01 ——————> minor version

    jdk1.7.0_02————————->minor version

Java binary files have commands to compile and execute java program.

Java library files are used in developing new java applications and applets.

what is JAVA_HOME?

Java software installed directory is called JAVA_HOME

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